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Chair's Chat - November 2020


Dear Ringers,

I hope everyone is coping with our second lockdown – it certainly seems very odd

not to have a full diary of concerts and Christmas engagements this year.

It is so lovely to be able to read about teams that have found safe ways to

rehearse. I was delighted to be able to form a school team and they are looking

forward to recording a processional this week for our virtual Carol Service.

While there are many guidelines we have to follow in school from numbers in

clubs to not mixing “bubbles”, I am very fortunate to work in a school which is

allowing any musical activities which we can do safely. So I am currently up to

my eyes (or ears?!) in Nativities and Carol Service rehearsals – all of which will

be recorded and then sent out to parents to watch.

It is also sad to hear about members of the region passing away. In this edition

we have obituaries for Maureen (Maude) McAndrew, leader of Bishop’s Bells,

and Mary Hughes, Hamilton Ringers. We have also heard in the last few days

that Alan Collings has died following a heart attack. He was a former Chair of

the region and recently made an Honorary Life Member. A full obituary will

appear in our next newsletter. Our thoughts and prayers are with all their

families and their handbell teams at this time.

While we are still unable to organise any regional events and those teams which

had started rehearsals have had to put them on hold, many teams are continuing

to meet together virtually – using Zoom, with Whatsapp groups, by email or

simply by picking up the phone and talking to each other.

Recently some regions have begun to organise these events, which can involve

anything from socialising to looking at music, games to exploring new repertoire.

If you would like an event via Zoom in the New Year – please do let me know!

In the meantime, stay safe and I hope you all have a peaceful and happy





©2024 by Handbell Ringers of Great Britain - South East Region.

Registered Charity numbers 298945 (England) and SC038918 (Scotland)

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